Japanese band Kazha rocked the stage of Delta H Con 2018. The band is named after its frontwoman Kazuha Oda. Kazha is a three person band consisting of Kazuha on vocals and bass, Hideki Matsushige on guitar, and the newest member Futa Sugano on drums. Kazha’s music can be described as a “fusion of cultures and musical view points that create their sound, combining the softness of a falling feather and the heaviness of a hurricane.” The band has released three albums in their discography with a combination of Japanese and English songs.
Kazuha is often seen donning Ozz On pieces with a pair of black wings in the band’s promotional material. I was lucky to catch her with the wings on and take a hallway snap of her outfit. Some congoers even mixed us up since we were both wearing all black with arm warmers which I thought was funny; she is much more talented than I am!
Kazha moved its operations from Japan to the U.S. in 2015 and is currently based in Tennessee. They strongly believe in sharing their music with the world. They play at several cons throughout the year, so you may be able to see one of the concerts near you! Some of their upcoming cons appearances include Sabaku Con 2019, ColossalCon 2019, Anime Detour 2019. Check their site for the most up-to-date schedule.
I had no clue that they’re based in Tennessee now!
They’ll be here until their artist visas end!