My Most Expensive Ouji Fashion Outfit

Once upon a time, I saw a photo series on Tumblr where a group of lolitas broke down the cost of each of their outfits. The series included a wide range of dollar amounts ranging from a few hundred to thousand. I thought it was quiet interesting to see, so I wanted to try it myself.

The Outfit

For this post, I chose this Mad Hatter inspired ouji outfit I wore for an Alice in Wonderland food photoshoot. When I originally made this outfit, my purpose was not for it to be lavishly priced. It just happens to have a lot of nice stuff together. I selected this outfit because it uses one of my most ridiculously expensive pieces: the Mad Hatter Triple Tier Silk Hat by Alice and the Pirates.

An ornate black and gold ouji outfit with top hats and tailcoat with a Mad Hatter theme - standing pose.

Outfit Rundown

  • Head:
    • Alice and the Pirates Mad Hatter Triple Tier Silk Hat
  • Tops:
    • Alice and the Pirates Warrior Rose Blouse
    • Atelier Boz x Macross Frontier Sheryl Jacket
  • Bottom:
    • Dear Celine Little British Prince Pants
    • Alice and the Pirates Buckle Belt
    • Forever21 belt
  • Legs:
    • Angelic Pretty Moon Night Theater OTKs
    • Alice and the Pirates Milky Rail Train Garters
  • Shoes:
    • Vivienne Westwood Tassel Rockinghorse Shoes
  • Accessories:
    • Alice and the Pirates Sword Emblem Ring
    • Automatic Honey Royal Heart Ring
    • swtgreentea ring
    • Phantom Jewelry glasses chain
    • Miss Danger Shop Masquerade Bunny Brooch

The Math

For simplicity’s sake, the retail price will be used as the monetary value. Prices from Japanese brands were converted using 100 yen = 1 US dollar rate. Prices from Chinese brands were converted using 0.15 yuan = 1 US dollar rate. Converted prices are rounded to the nearest dollar.

ItemOriginal Price$ Price
Alice and the Pirates Hat¥52,500$526
Alice and the Pirates Blouse¥15,540$155
Atelier Boz Sheryl Jacket¥27,090$271
Dear Celine Pants¥ 218$ 33
Alice and the Pirates Garters¥ 6,090$ 61
Angelic Pretty Socks¥ 2,310$ 23
Vivienne Westwood Shoes$670
Miss Danger Shop Brooch$ 40
Eyemirror Glasses¥20,900$201
Alice and the Pirates Belt¥12,390$124
F21 Belt$ 10
Alice and the Pirates Ring¥ 6,490$ 65
Automatic Honey Ring$ 26
swtgreentea Ring$ 10
Phantom Jewelry Glasses Chain$ 35

Total Cost

Whew, that’s a lot of stuff! In total, the retail value reached a whopping $2,250.


Ouji fashion does not have to be this expensive, but there are a few reasons my outfit costed this much. One, I like to layer a lot of pieces together in my personal style; this is one of my most OTT outfits. Second, I have a preference for Japanese brands which tend to be the priciest option. Third, no normal person would pay that much for a hat.

Note that this amount is not accurate to what I actually spent since 1) I did not buy everything new and 2) I bought some items on sale. I am definitely not going back in my receipts to figure out the exact numbers, so this is what I’m publishing.

cost breakdown

Breaking down the outfit was fun and a bit self-indulgent. I wish I could find the original Tumblr photo set to link to, but alas I cannot. Cupcakes and Unicorns also made a post like this a few years ago where she posted her most expensive and least expensive lolita coords together. One day I’ll make this type of breakdown for one of my lolita outfits too.

Extra shots

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